Kiko Lam

Summary: I'm a software engineer in the day and a computational artist at night. I'm passionate about the intersection of art and computation. I like learning, climbing, painting, anything that keeps my brain busy. I live in San Francisco, but was raised in Hong Kong. You would likely hear my laugh from miles away.
Work stuff: I work at Figma, and I make sourdough bread.
Quick Life Story:
  • Born in the tropics and was raised in skyscrapers in Hong Kong & Tokyo
  • Love travel, love any sort of new experiences
  • Escaped from medical school in Hong Kong and went to New Hampshire to study at Dartmouth College
  • Fell in love with computational art and computer science at the same time
  • Convinced the school to let me study both for my MS degree
  • Built a machine learning model that turned Instagram sunrise photos into a real-time algorithmically-generated sunrise
  • Want to bring art closer to people through computation
  • Love to make technology more approchable for everyone