
This program is written in C++ with the openFramework toolkit. OpenFramework is designed for creative coding, and supports libraries for powerful graphics and animation tools. OpenFramework gives a lot of support and tools to artists and programmers to create computational art work.

#Multilayer Perceptron Classifier

Instagram reached 300 million monthly active users in 2015 and its users share more than 70 million photos and videos each day. There have been over 20 billion photos shared on the website. The popularity of Instagram makes a huge photography database. However, the abundance of Instagram images bring some down sides as well, such as people misusing the hashtags and tagging unrelated materials as ’sunrise’, for example, selfies, advertisements, etc. Instagram users tend to put excessive hashtags to gain popularity and increase their number of followers and "likes" on their pictures. I collected over 3000 images that were tagged "#sunrise" and found some of them to be completely unrelated to sunrise.

To combat this, I started to collect features to distinguish good sunrise images and unrelated ones. In this paper, "Sunset scene classification using simulated image recomposition", the authors claim sunsets were easily separated from mountain and forest scenes. Color was found to be the most salient, confirming our intuition that sunsets are recognizable primarily by their brilliant, warm colors. They also believe that spatial information should be incorporated to distinguish sunsets from other scenes containing warm colors, such as those of desert rock formations and fireworks. Therefore, they used spatial color moments, dividing the image into 49 regions using a 7 x 7 grid and computing the mean and variance of each band of an Luv-transformed image. This yields 49 x 2 x 3 = 294 features. However, OpenFramework does not support the Luv color space. This classifier takes the the mean and variance of each band in the HBV color space instead.

However, even after implementing the method that the paper suggested, the system was still not getting enough confirmed positive results. Some of the unrelated images consist of brilliant, warm colors that are similar to those found in the real sunrise images. I investigated further and found some very Instagram specific features that could be added to the attribute set of the classifier. As I have mentioned before, Instagram users tend to put excessive hashtags to improve exposure to the Instagram community in order to raise the number of followers and "likes" on their pictures. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that the more hashtags a picture has, the more likely that the picture is unrelated. The same concept applies to the position of the "#sunrise" hashtag. Good sunrise images usually have the "#sunrise" hashtag early on in their caption rather than later.

With these two added features, for a total of 296 attributes, I trained a Multilayer Perceptron classifier with a 10-fold cross-validation to recognize real sunrise pictures from other unrelated images using Weka, a mechine learning tool. The Multilayer Perceptron classifier has the remarkable ability to derive meaning and extract patterns from complicated or imprecise data [Duda et al., 2012]. The classifier places weights on the importance of the given features attributes using the “backpropagation” algorithm and benefits from having a large training set. Research has shown that Multilayer Perceptron classifier can produce accurate predictions, however it takes about 10–2000 times slower than other methods, including ZeroR, OneR, J48, NaiveBayes, IBk, AdaBoostM1, VotedPerceptron [Witten, 2015]. In this project, I had enough time to prepare a more accurate classifier with Multilayer Perceptron. I trained the model on 3368 labelled images which I preprocessed by manually classifying them according to my perception. The training set of images includes 1781 "good" images and 1587 "bad" images. I trained the classifier with a learning rate of 0.3, a momentum rate of 0.2, 500 epochs, a threshold of 20 for the number of consecutive errors, and (attributes+classes) / 2 = 149 number of nodes per layer.

The classifier behaves fairly well with a correct classified rate of 69.9%. In this project, it was more important for the classifier to identify incorrect images rather than to be able to identify every single good image. As we can see from the ROC graphs from the bad class value, the steep curve indicates a strong signal to noise ratio. An ROC curve is a plot of the True Positive Rate (on the y-axis) versus the False Positive Rate (on the x-axis) for every possible classification threshold [Fawcett, 2006]. Both the True Positive Rate and the False Positive Rate range from 0 to 1. The steep curve means that the classifier was able to correctly identify most of the false images.

#Color Extraction

After the system filters out the unrelated sunrise images from Instagram in real time, I needed to synthesize the images to recreate the sunrise scene. I decided to design an algorithm to extract a sky color palette from the images to channel into a composition that create an "eternal sunrise".

My first attempt to extract a palette is to use quantization with the K-means algorithm on the images using the OpenFramework add-on tool, ofxColorQuantizer [Rotsztain, 2015]. Quantization is the process of representing an image with a small number of well selected colors. K-means algorithm is an iterative clustering technique that approximates an optimal palette using multiple subsets of image pixels [Verevka, 1995]. This method selects K initial cluster means, and iterates until stopping criterion is satisfied. The 12 most abundant colors from the pictures were selected to compose the sky and the ocean in the sunrise scene. However, the brightness and saturation of those colors were either too high or too low. These 12 distinctly different colors did not represent the smooth gradient of sky colors well. I tried to select more colors for a smoother color palette. However, the more colors I picked, the slower the quantization process is. The system cannot afford a long quantization process because the color extraction is in real time. To avoid colors that have too much contrast, I went on investigating other simpler and quicker ways to select the sky colors for the sunrise scene.

After observing many sunrise images and performing many trial experiments, I found a way to translate the smooth gradient of sky colors to the composition. In photography, objects appear dark as a silhouette when put in front of a bright background (see image below: the objects that are in red rectangles appear as silhouette). Silhouettes became helpful in extracting sky colors because dark colors of silhouette are easy to identify. It was helpful to avoid taking those dark pixels into account when extracting sky colors from the images.

I extracted the colors using a simple algorithm. The sunrise composition is mainly composed of lines of different colors. For every line, I take the average of the RGB values of the pixels across a row (i.e. a row of pixels which have the same y value) and also avoid all the almost black pixels (pixels with brightness less than 25 out of 255). The results are satisfying as they present a smooth color sequence that looks like the sky behind the sunrise scene.